Exploring the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding among postpartum women in northeastern Morocco: fathers’ knowledge as a moderating factor

Published: 27 January 2025
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Breast milk is the exclusive source of nutrition required for optimal growth and development during the first 6 months of life. It confers many advantages for the health of both mother and child, as well as for the general well-being of society. Several factors, including the father’s level of breastfeeding knowledge, influence the decision to breastfeed. This descriptive cross-sectional study aimed to examine the extent of fathers’ knowledge about breastfeeding and the factors that influence it. A total of 200 men completed a structured questionnaire in the maternity ward of the Ibn Baja hospital in Taza, northeast Morocco. The results of this study indicate that 89% of fathers exhibited limited knowledge of breastfeeding. Moreover, a significant correlation was observed between the fathers’ knowledge of breastfeeding and a range of socio-demographic, cultural, and familial factors and their personal experiences. Implementing targeted interventions to enhance fathers’ knowledge is of utmost importance, considering factors specific to the Moroccan context.



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How to Cite

Faraj, K., & Bour, A. (2025). Exploring the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding among postpartum women in northeastern Morocco: fathers’ knowledge as a moderating factor. Italian Journal of Medicine, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.4081/itjm.2025.1861