Screening for undernutrition in gastric bypass: a case study of four patients in the Marrakech Tensift Al Haouz region, Morocco

Published: 26 August 2024
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Undernutrition presents a major risk to patients’ health and well-being following gastric bypass surgery. After undergoing this surgery, the nutritional status of three women and one man was examined in this study. Follow-up visits were used to measure weight, body composition, and biological and biochemical data. After 3 months of follow-up after gastric bypass surgery, our findings revealed a reduction in muscle mass. The average loss of muscle mass was 4.375±1.470 kg. Their initial body mass index, which was 45.01 kg/m2, on average, dropped to 28.38 kg/m2. Significant drops were observed in the mean levels of albumin and pre-albumin (albumin: 38.6 g/L to 24.8 g/L, pre-albumin: 195 mg/L to 113 mg/L). In our study, patients with micronutritional deficiencies and gastric bypass demonstrated a significant and adaptive reduction in daily caloric intake. Early identification of undernutrition makes it possible to assess its severity and, as part of the patient’s overall follow-up, to implement appropriate nutritional management.



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How to Cite

Belmoudden, H., Al Ibrahmi, B., & Bour, A. (2024). Screening for undernutrition in gastric bypass: a case study of four patients in the Marrakech Tensift Al Haouz region, Morocco. Italian Journal of Medicine, 18(3).