The pharmacological deprescription in elderly patients

Published: 19 December 2023
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The demographic of individuals aged 65 and above represents one of the fastest-growing populations globally. As of 2020, there were 727 million individuals (9.3%) aged 65 years or older worldwide. Projections indicate that the number of older adults will double to reach 1.5 billion (16%) by 2050.1 At that point, 1 in 6 people globally will be over 65, and in Europe and North America, 1 in 4 individuals may fall into this age bracket. [...]



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How to Cite

Ali, C., Huang, D., Tugwete, C., Del Canale, S., & Maio, V. (2023). The pharmacological deprescription in elderly patients. Italian Journal of Medicine, 17(3).